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Modular Aperture Quad-band Antenna (MAQA)

SATCOM terminal provides quad-band operations supporting military and commercial users

The 3.8 meter MAQA terminal is the next-generation product designed to operate and support the warfighter or commercial user’s environment. The terminals provide quad-band operations including X and Ka band over military satellites and Ku and C band over commercial satellites. MAQA is a commercial off-the-shelf/non-developmental item (COTS/NDI) SATCOM system enabling satellite diversity for military and commercial applications. Combined with best-in-class RF electronics, MAQA provides superior transportability and simultaneous X-/Ka-band capability.

Band changes are simple and can be completed in less than five minutes

MAQA’s band changes can be accomplished with a simple swap of the feed via quick disconnects in less than five minutes. Satellite acquisition is enhanced by a motorized ±90 degree azimuth turntable range and 5–90 degree elevation range.

Simple to assemble and transport cases meet two-man lift requirements

The terminal’s carbon fiber antenna is simple to assemble with labels on the individual components and transport cases. All transport cases meet the two-man lift requirements (less than 174 pounds) and will fit through a 32-inch doorway.


  • Modular Aperture Quad-band Antenna (MAQA) Sell Sheet

    Modular Aperture Quad-band Antenna (MAQA) Sell Sheet